Being Informed About Installing Hardwood Floors In Your Home

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Hardwood flooring is a popular option for those who want to infuse their homes with a sense of sophistication and natural beauty. With the vast array of options available, choosing the best hardwood floor and preparing for a successful installation can be challenging.

What Is The Best Type Of Hardwood Floors For My Home?

Solid hardwood floors are made from a single piece of wood, making them the most traditional and sought-after option. They offer unmatched durability because they can be sanded and refinished multiple times over their lifespan. However, solid hardwood can be more susceptible to changes in temperature and humidity, which may lead to warping or cupping.

Engineered hardwood floors consist of a top layer of natural wood bonded to multiple layers of plywood or other wood-based materials. This construction makes them more resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. As a result, they are a better option for homes with higher humidity levels or regions with significant temperature changes. However, engineered hardwood cannot be refinished as often as solid hardwood due to the thinner top layer.

How Do You Prepare Your Subfloor Before Installing Hardwood Flooring?

A clean and debris-free subfloor is essential for a successful hardwood floor installation. Start by sweeping and vacuuming the area to remove dust and debris. It is also crucial to remove any existing flooring materials, such as carpet or laminate, and ensure that the subfloor is free of adhesives or other residues.

A level subfloor ensures that your hardwood floor will be installed correctly and without any unevenness. Use a long level or a straight edge to check for any dips, humps, or other irregularities in your subfloor. You may need to use a leveling compound or sand down high spots to create a smooth, even surface.

Should You Acclimate Your Wood Flooring Before Installation?

Depending on the relative humidity and temperature, wood can swell or shrink. Acclimating your hardwood flooring before installation allows it to adjust to the specific conditions of your home and minimizes the risk of warping or buckling after installation.

The amount of time you should allow for acclimation depends on the specific type of hardwood flooring you are installing and the conditions in your home. While waiting for acclimation may slightly increase the amount of time installing your new hardwood floors will require, it can be a minor inconvenience for the benefit of avoiding more costly repairs in the future. 

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About Me

Creating Gorgeous New Floors After tearing out all of the old carpet from our home, I realized that we needed something a little better. I began looking around at alternatives, and I found a really nice laminate that worked well with our budget and that looked really nice. I talked with the installers about putting it in, and they were more than happy to work with us. Within a few weeks, we had a new floor, and it made all the difference in the world. I decided that it would be fun to start an entire blog about flooring, so read more here if you have questions.


